Short : convert wbmp <-> ilbm Author : F.Marquard Uploader: Type : GFX/conv Requires: Rexxmast Version : 1.0 Script-handling _______________ Make sure that the Arexx-Port (System/Rexxmast) is running. ilbm2wbmp.rexx -------------- Create a ILBM-picture with a paintprogram, that allowed to saving brushes in to 1-bit depth. The width and the height of the image must limited of 127 pixels and color 0 must be darker then color 1. Copy the scripts in a assignet directory and type in your shell >>rx ilbm2wbmp.rexx Ram:Test.brush Ram:Test.wbmp"<< The result can with >>rx wbmp2ilbm.rexx Ram:Test.wbmp Ram:test.ilbm<< reclaim to the ILBM-fileformat.